
The Gay Christian Forum

Not sure what's up with the music at the beginning (I hate patriotic songs), but the panel discussion is a blessing. Enjoy!

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Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this. I wish that more would shed light like this.

Anonymous said...

For anyone stuggling with being both gay and Christian, we at http://eunicure.com would like to offer our help.

Yours in Christ,

Jennifer Talbot-Feathertree

Unknown said...

Hi everyone. I am so happy to have stumbled on this forum where i can meet other gay Christians like myself :-) My name is Rizi Timane. I am an out gospel singer who strives to let those in our community know that Gods love is INCLUSIVE of us too even though we have been told differently by the fundamentalist Church and other misinformed members of our families and communities(in my case, growing up in conservative and extremely religious Africa as an out lesbian did prove challenging-you can see a video testimony on my website http://www.rizigospel.com) but in the end, i found out the truth. God loves us just the way we are! so if you have ever desired a closer relationship with God but were discouraged by religious misinformation, biblical misinterpretation and religion based hatred, please know that you are welcome in the family of Christ, you are not a mistake and your sexuality as the rest of you, is a gift from God. Embrace it with gratefulness and pride. God bless you all